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Category: Dementia

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How Long Does It Take Alzheimer’s To Progress?

image of hands on a blue background. the hands are holding a cutout silhouette of a head. the head has drawn puzzle pieces over it, and two pieces are missing

Can You Predict Progression? Alzheimer’s and dementia can create challenges that affect the quality of life of older adults. In the early stages, most people can live independently. However, as the disease progresses, adults need the support of their community, caregivers, and care services to ensure their comfort and health. But when does Alzheimer’s progress? […]

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Are Alzheimer’s & Dementia the Same Thing?

A woman sitting next to a senior citizen man who has dementia

As some people grow older and transition into new stages of their life, they may become affected by diseases like Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia that cause a decline in memory and make everyday life more difficult. These diseases come in many forms and require different skills to help manage them. What are the […]

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